
Goal Setting For Success
What are the dreams and goals that you want to accomplish in this lifetime? They can be small objectives or big hairy audacious goals but take the time to think of three specific goals; one for your personal life, one professional, and finally, one family or community goal. It's essential to select balanced objectives instead of only choosing all business/career goals to balance your life. If one area of your life is struggling, it will eventually impact the others. Take the time to ponder what are the most critical goals to accomplish in the next 90 days. It's essential to think about goals that can be completed at that time because, as humans, we tend to lose focus and momentum after three months. If a goal is going to take longer, break it up into smaller milestones that can be completed in 90 days.
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The 4 am secret
What time do you get out of bed every morning? Is it the same time each day or does it fluctuate? One of the consistent traits of those that achieve more is that they wake up before most. From entrepreneurs...
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Building Discipline
"Good people better themselves continuously" - Confucius Why do some people seem to have more willpower and discipline than others? Those individuals aren't' born with different tools than the rest of us, but rather they have built their willpower the...
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5 Self-Care Techniques in Self-Isolation
Now more than ever, it's essential that you take the time for self-care. Everyone is facing unique challenges, with our lives and businesses being changed overnight, and we are all struggling to survive in these uncertain times. That's why you...
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